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Item number: CPT

Cobot Palletizing Tool (CPT)

CPT is a compact all-in-one-tool with extended reach for cobot assisted palletizing. Its multi-zone gripper surface enables picking of multiple boxes in one sin...
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  • Higher pallet output - The gripping surface is designed to allow handling of different box sizes or multiple boxes in each cycle by utilizing piSAVE® sense valves or Flow reduction technology.
  • Maximum cobot reach – Lightweight and off-center design extends the reach of the cobot by up to 100 mm. [4 in]
  • Maximum handling speed - The integrated piCOMPACT®23 SMART Valve Unit allows extremely fast response times increasing throughput.
  • High energy efficiency - Equipped with COAX® vacuum generation technology, air consumption is reduced, while secure lifting power at maximum payload is ensured.
  • One EOAT instead of several - For different configurations, for example when changing products, it is only necessary to change the lower suction plate from foam to suction cups or vice versa.
  • User friendly - Plug & play software and interfaces offered for UR cobots (E- and CB-series) and Rocketfarm Palletizing software PALLY with adaptive path planning (Software not included).
  • Fit for all - Generic electrical interface available with several mechanical interface options to fit any other cobot or small industrial robot in accordance with ISO 9409-1 standard.

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