Item number: B20MF.40.02AB
11 Variants
Suction cup B20MF Thermoelastic polyurethane, G1/8" male, with mesh filter
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- B20MF.40
- B20MF.40.02AA
- B20MF.40.02AB
- B20MF.40.02AC
- B20MF.40.02AD
- B20MF.40.02AE
- B20MF.40.02AF
- B20MF.40.02DA
- B20MF.40.02DB
- B20MF.40.02DD
- B20MF.40.02DE
- Suction cup of TPU, a mark free material that leaves no trace on the object being handled.
- Suitable for level adjustment.
- Lifting movement to separate small and thin objects.
- Only lightweight objects should be handled when the lifting force is parallel to the surface.