Item number: B40.37.04DA
38 Variants
Suction cup B40 HNBR, 1/8" NPSF female, with dual flow control valve
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- B40.10
- B40.20
- B40.10.04AA
- B40.10.04AB
- B40.10.04AC
- B40.10.04AD
- B40.10.04AE
- B40.10.04AF
- B40.10.04AG
- B40.10.04DA
- B40.10.04DB
- B40.10.04DD
- B40.10.04DE
- B40.20.04AA
- B40.20.04AB
- B40.20.04AC
- B40.20.04AD
- B40.20.04AE
- B40.20.04AF
- B40.20.04AG
- B40.20.04DA
- B40.20.04DB
- B40.37
- B40.37.04AG
- B40.37.04AB
- B40.37.04AD
- B40.10.04CA
- B40.20.04CA
- B40.37.04AA
- B40.37.04AC
- B40.37.04AE
- B40.37.04AF
- B40.37.04DA
- B40.37.04DB
- B40.37.04DC
- B40.37.04DD
- B40.37.04DE
- B40.37.04DF
- Suitable for level adjustment. Several short bellows in one lifting device can handle objects with height differences and varying shapes, for example embossed or corrugated plates.
- The lifting movement can be used to separate small and thin objects.
- Only lightweight objects should be handled when the lifting force is parallel to the surface of the object, in order to achieve good precision and safe lifting movement.