Item number: F40-2.30.04CA
25 Variants
Suction cup F40-2 Nitrile-PVC, 1/8" NPSF female PA
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- F40-2.30
- F40-2.20
- F40-2.20.04AA
- F40-2.20.04AB
- F40-2.20.04AC
- F40-2.20.04AD
- F40-2.20.04AE
- F40-2.20.04AF
- F40-2.20.04AG
- F40-2.20.04DA
- F40-2.20.04DC
- F40-2.30.04AA
- F40-2.30.04AB
- F40-2.30.04AC
- F40-2.30.04AD
- F40-2.30.04AE
- F40-2.30.04AF
- F40-2.30.04AG
- F40-2.30.04DA
- F40-2.30.04DB
- F40-2.30.04DC
- F40-2.30.04DD
- F40-2.30.04CA
- F40-2.20.04CA
- F40-2.30.04UV
- Suitable for flat objects.
- Good stability and little inherent movement.
- Recommended when the lifting force is parallel to the surface of the object.
- Cleats prevent thin, sensitive objects from being deformed and gives extra friction when the lifting force is parallel.