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  • Evolving the beta website – Improvements release #3-2021

Evolving the beta website – Improvements release #3-2021

Published 2/12/2021

Thanks for your valuable feedback on the new website since we launched it beginning of December!

The improvements release #3-2021 includes:

  • The possibility to check product availability has been improved and stabilized, see example Filter bag.
  • Downloadable data sheets are added to first generation product configurators missing that option, see example P6010.
  • Market specific items are limited to current language versions, for example US specific items to the US language site, see example Inline filter
  • To avoid losing Google ranking when we launch the new website, an SEO management software has been installed.
  • If an old web page cannot be found, a Piab custom error page has been created to take care of the user in the best way, see 404 page.
  • Applying for a job via mobile has been simplified when the user has a LinkedIn account.
  • The design of the career section on the start page has been improved with the green dot’s raster, see start page.
  • Graphs with vacuum flows and evacuation times for ejectors are added to comparisons, see comparisons.
  • A promotion page template is now available to be used for product launches, branding or campaigns.
  • A hoover effect, with product name or item number, has been added to recently viewed products for better readability.
  • The “sticky menu” (Help me choose and Contact us) is minimized when scrolling not to cover content. See example. 

Please continue to give us feedback through the feedback button on the right-hand side on the site, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Anette Lantz
Digital Experience Manager

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