적층식 제조
적층식 제조는 강력한 기술로 빠르게 부상하고 있는 산업입니다. 새로운 산업으로서 보건 및 안전 표준을 유지하면서 생산성과 효율성을 지속적으로 향상시키는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 금속, 모래/세라믹과 같이 적층식 제조에서 사용되는 원자재는 우리가 고품질 솔루션을 고안해 내는 문제들을 제기합니다.

적층식 제조란 무엇입니까?
3D 프린팅이라고도 알려진 적층식 제조(AM)는 3차원 물체(공작물)를 생성하기 위해 재료를 층층이 쌓아 두는 모든 제조 공정을 포괄하는 용어입니다.
적층식 제조, 즉 3D 프린팅은 주로 초기 프로토타이핑 및 잠재적으로 짧은 시리즈를 위한 수단으로 사용되던 것에서 많은 산업 분야에서 허용되는 제조 방법으로 발전해 왔습니다. 이러한 산업 중에는 항공우주, 자동차, 의료 기술, 공구, 터보 기술, 석유 및 가스 등이 있습니다.
Our applications for metal additive manufacturing
Operators usually feed the printers, the sieves, or hoppers manually from small bottles. Therefore, the process relies heavily on manual labor and exposes the employee to hazardous metal powder dust and heavy lifting. Automating the process enables higher productivity, as well as safety and an ergonomic working environment for the employees.
In metal additive manufacturing, Piab vacuum conveyors can be used to enable automation of the whole process, but particularly used in the following process steps.
These solutions result in a higher level of productivity, avoid product scrap, and establish an ergonomic working environment:

Filling the 3D printer with metal powder
Piab vacuum conveyors pick up the virgin or recovered metal powder directly from a sieve/metal drum or hopper and feed the 3D printer. The removal can also be done directly from the overflow container.
Filling a sieve or hopper with metal powder
Piab vacuum conveyors can feed the sieve or hopper directly from the original manufacturer's drum or vat when pre-sieving is required or recover metal powder from the 3D printer's overflow vessel. Our conveyors for metal additive manufacturing can be integrated into portable sieving solutions due to their ease of assembly and light weight, allowing the same conveying and sieving solution already used for printers.
Recovering metal powder from the printer
Metal powders are both expensive and hazardous, so proper powder recovery from the printer is critical. Piab's piFLOW® vacuum conveyors can transport metal powder from the printer to the original manufacturer's sieve or drum/container via a closed system to increase productivity and ensure the workers’ safety. It is possible to recover metal powder from the overflow hopper and build the plate directly from the printer or by using a Piab feed pipe.
piFLOW® by Piab: Our conveying solutions for metal additive manufacturing
With our extensive experience in material handling, Piab's vacuum conveyors have long been an efficient solution for handling powders. Here is what our Piab premium conveyors offer:
- a stainless steel (ASTM 316L) housing
- Piab's highly efficient COAX® vacuum technology
- ATEX dust and gas certification
- built-in automatic filter cleaning
- powder handling up to ca. 8 kg/liter [500 lbs./ft3] bulk density and an impressive throughput
- minimal footprint
Piab provides the greatest flexibility by working with various additive manufacturing technologies, such as Powder Bed Fusion and Binder Jetting.
Our piFLOW® conveyors can be easily integrated to existing machine parks and production lines. We offer seamless integration of automated vacuum conveying solutions into any powder-based manufacturing process. The piFLOW® conveyors:
- avoid exposure to hazardous materials of technicians while not compromising on production efficiency
- enhance overall efficiency and productivity through automated powder handling
- reduce supply chain disruptions by offering a more streamlined manufacturing process
- ensure that the material doesn't degrade, and powder mixes don't segregate during the manufacturing process
- minimize the risk of contamination through a closed-loop system, with easily cleanable and sanitizable conveying equipment.
With Piab’s products, you can connect the dots within the Additive Manufacturing production line with ease!
Metal additive manufacturing and the automation of powder handling
Shortened development cycle
Metal additive manufacturing is a method used both for prototyping and increasingly for serial production of metal parts. It gives the possibility to design and produce previously impossible components or use custom alloys. Component delivery gets faster due to a shortened development cycle. Metal Additive manufacturing reduces supply chain disruptions and contributes to reduced part weight.
Powder handling automation
Given the high growth rates and increasing opportunities in the additive manufacturing industry, powder handling automation is key to establishing the technology as a standard production process. However, many process steps are still manual. This includes the loading of the production equipment with the appropriate metal powder. Furthermore, the use of vacuum conveying technologies can help protect people, products, and the environment.
Ideal vacuum conveyors
With our extensive experience in material handling, Piab's vacuum conveyors have long been an efficient solution for the AM process. Piab's premium conveyors are equipped with a stainless steel (ASTM 316L) housing and feature Piab's patented and highly efficient COAX® vacuum technology. They are ATEX dust and gas certified and have built-in automatic filter cleaning. Piab has conducted in-house tests on various metals and alloys, which have shown that our vacuum conveyors can handle powders with a bulk density of 8 kg/liter [500 lbs./ft3] and an impressive throughput.
A variety of additive manufacturing technologies
Working with a variety of Additive Manufacturing technologies, such as Powder Bed Fusion and Binder Jetting, Piab offers the greatest flexibility in integrating automated vacuum conveying solutions into any powder-based manufacturing process.
Piab and the metal additive manufacturing industry: Strong success stories
Enhancing Innovation: Piab & IB Joint Expertise
IB is a renowned leader in the manufacturing of highly customized machines and an accomplished supplier for powderhandling solutions. This collaboration enhances Piab's in-house expertise, product portfolio, and offerings in the additive manufacturing industry, focusing on advanced metal powder conveying solutions designed to meet the evolving needs of our clients.
Piab & IB 솔루션은 KSB의 성장을 지원합니다
다양한 응용분야에 걸쳐 펌프, 밸브 및 시스템을 공급하는 최고의 공급업체인 KSB는 IB 여과기 스테이션 MPS30을 사용하여 분말 흡착이송 설정 시간을 반나절에서 30분 미만으로 단축하였습니다. KSB는 또한 piFLOW 분체이송기를 사용하여 생산성과 효율성을 높이고 수작업의 필요성을 줄이고 있습니다.
Previously we did manual powder handling and then sieving the powder and transferring it back to the [3D printing] machine, which was very timeconsuming: [...] took up half of a day. Right now we can just remove the powder from the machine, sieve it, and refill the machine in less than 30 minutes.
Marco Linhardt, Head of Additive Manufacturing Production KSB, Germany
Solukon relies on vacuum conveyors from Piab in its new Powder Collection Unit
Solukon and Piab have established an exciting collaboration, where innovative vacuum conveyor technology is boosting the efficiency and safety of powder-based 3D printing. The Solukon Powder Collection Unit (SFM-PCU for short) is a fully automated powder collection solution for metal powders. With the help of the piFLOW®i vacuum conveyor from Piab, Solukon makes powder handling simpler and safer right after depowdering.
IB Sieving Stations
Ultrasonic screening for printers with large building chambers
The MPS 30 from IB Additive is an ultrasonic screening station with integrated pneumatic conveying for printers with large build chambers.
It is highly reliable, enabling used powder to be fed directly from the building chamber of the 3D printer via the integrated Piab vacuum conveying system.
In 2023, Piab Group acquired IB Verfahrens- und Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, a company specializing in customer-specific systems for bulk material handling.

Ultrasonic screening for small build chambers
IB Additive’s MPS5 is an ultrasonic screening station with integrated pneumatic conveying for printers with small build chambers. It is a pinter-independent, process-stable, powerful and compact solution for powder recovery.
Sieving station for metal powder handling via containers
The MPS X1 from IB Additive is an effective solution for powder recovery from IB Additive. It enables the feeding of already used powder and the return transport of the recycled powder via existing containers.
Download the MPS X1 manual here

Piab & Höganäs: In partnership with a metal powder producer
Piab has set a partnership with Höganäs, a Swedish company producing a variety of metal powders.
Through this partnership, we offer big bag/flexbag unloading stations with integrated vacuum conveying for more sustainable ways to work with metal powders. We contribute to industrialization, reduce manual handling, and optimize the amount of powder used in industrial processes.
What metal powders can be transported by Piab vacuum conveyors?
Piab vacuum conveyors are capable of transporting a wide range of metal powders. Piab has conducted conveying tests with various powders, including: Aluminum, SS316L, Inconel, Wolfram Carbide, Titanium, and others.
Apart from metal, can you convey other materials used in 3D printing technologies as well?
Yes, Piab vacuum conveyors can also handle plastic, as well as sand and ceramics used in different 3D printing technologies. Fill out the form below to get advice on your specific material at hand.
Do you provide inert conveying/sieving?
Inert conveying is often required for Titanium and sometimes for Aluminum, while other materials mentioned typically do not necessitate inert-gas conveying. Piab offers inert conveying solutions, and the sieving solutions are inherently equipped with inertization.
What conveying capacity for metal powder can be achieved by using Piab solutions?
The conveying capacities achieved with Piab solutions greatly depend on the specific segment of the AM production process. Piab has conducted extensive testing with various powders and distances. Our systems have demonstrated the ability to maintain conveying capability over distances of up to 50 meters [164 feet], with a capacity of up to 1.9 t/h at 20 meters [65 feet] for Aluminum and Stainless steel powders.
What equipment can be supplied by Piab?
Piab offers a comprehensive range of equipment for additive manufacturing applications. Our offerings include powder discharge stations, single or multiple conveying lines, and sieve stations. Piab excels in providing customized solutions and turn-key systems to effectively handle the entire powder handling process.
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