



Номер товара: 3150108P
15 Варианты

Suction cup B110 Nitrile-PVC

Several short bellows cups in one lifting device can handle objects with height differences and varying shapes. The bellows also provide a slight lifting moveme...
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  • 0101884
  • 0101886
  • 0101885
  • 3150108S
  • 0101890
  • 0101892
  • 0101891
  • 3150108P
  • 0108178
  • 0108180
  • 0108179
  • 3150035T
  • 3150108T
  • 3150030P
  • 3150030S


  • Suitable for level adjustment. Several short bellows in one lifting device can handle objects with height differences and varying shapes, for example embossed or corrugated plates.
  • The lifting movement can be used to separate small and thin objects.
  • Only lightweight objects should be handled when the lifting force is parallel to the surface of the object, in order to achieve good precision and safe lifting movement.

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