Номер товара: 0122966
4 Варианты
Suction cup BX10P Polyurethane 60
Подходят для неровных и пористых поверхностей – картон и т.д. Присоски DURAFLEX® произведены из специально разработанного материала, который сочетает в себе эла...
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- 0118329
- 0122869
- 0122966
- 0122967
- Suitable for level adjustment and for uneven and porous surfaces such as cardboard, etc.
- In the two-coloured suction cup the bellows and the sealing lip are of different hardnesses, which makes the suction cup strong and stable and, at the same time, soft and flexible.
- DURAFLEX® suction cups manufactured in a specially developed material that features the elasticity of rubber and wear resistance of polyurethane.
- The material DURAFLEX® is mark free.